
Frequently Asked Question for Contempo Lincoln in Nebraska

Here you’ll find answers to some frequently asked questions about Contempo Lincoln.

Pets allowed
Do you allow pets?
Select rentals may have a pet at management’s approval. A pet deposit and a monthly pet charge will be added to the rental's monthly rent. Click here for a pdfpet registration form.

What does the application process consist of?
Each person over the age of 18 who wants to live in the community will need to fill out an pdfapplication. We process the applications through American Tenant Screening, which provides us with a report on each applicant. Included in the report are a credit history, criminal history, and eviction history/public records. We also contact the most recent landlord for a reference as well as the current employer to verify income.

How much are the application fees?
Application fees are per individual or per couple. We accept credit cards, debit cards, check and money order.

What homes are available to rent and what is the cost? 
Call or contact Contempo Lincoln online for our most current rentals and rates.

If I want to move my home into Contempo Lincoln, what are the qualifications my home must meet?
Our Maintenance Supervisor will determine whether your home is acceptable, based on criteria including its age, size, and overall appearance. In some cases, he may request exterior repair work be completed before the home moves in.

How much will it cost to move my home into Contempo Lincoln?
The homes are moved by your choice of mobile home movers. The cost will vary depending on the size of the home, and the distance it is traveling. Please contact a mobile home moving company for a quote.

Do you have any specials or incentives?
We currently have a move-in incentive. We will pay 0 of the cost of moving the home to the mobile home mover of your choice, as long as they meet permit and insurance requirements.

How much is the security deposit?
In our rentals the security deposit is the same as the rent. The security deposit for a lot for homeowners is .00. We will return the security deposit within 30 days after move-out, minus any damages, unpaid rent or other charges due.

Who is responsible for yard maintenance?
All homeowners are responsible for maintaining their own yard. This includes mowing lawns, trimming, sterilizing walkways and drives of vegetation and removing any stray trees or brush before they become a nuisance. Contact management in case any tree may need trimming.  We do provide yard maintenance for all of our rental units.

Do you provide pest control?
We provide quarterly pest control service to our rental units only.

What is a manufactured home?
A manufactured home is a home that is manufactured in a factory, and transported to the site where the home will be placed and occupied. Most manufactured homes are placed in small communities referred to as “mobile home parks.” Once placed in one location the homes are usually left there permanently, however they still have the ability to be moved if needed. Manufactured homes can also be placed on permanent foundations and basements.

What makes manufactured homes a smart choice?
A manufactured home is built entirely in a factory. Never being exposed to the elements while being constructed eliminates weather delays, and weather-related damage to materials. This reduces expensive construction costs. Strict supervision throughout the construction process allows a manufactured home to be built to the highest federal safety and energy standards.

If you don’t see your question here please contact us with your question and we will be glad to answer it for you